Here is one last look at some of the process that it takes to animate a cartoon of this magnitude.

We see now that all our characters are more or less where they will be in the final, and with the exception of a few backgrounds and a couple specific sequence animations, this is what the complete episode will look like!

There are many reasons why something like this may take so long, but besides producing graphics, animation involves a certain amount of programming knowledge.  If you can see in the video at 4:36, "Quiet Mother Fucker in a Hoodie's" left hand in the background is appearing to have a twitch, and it's because the programming of the symbol pack is being told to cycle through all the frames within the pack, as if it were it's own animation on loop.  This is sometimes the desired effect, but in this case, we just want his hand to stay still.

The way this happens is when we build characters initially.  We don't always know how our character is going to move when we begin, which is why we place the characters in place first, so we know where-about they will move.  Once we begin moving our character, sometimes we realize we have to change things, which is why it's important to spend plenty of time building character models that are functional and don't fall apart on the stage due to lazy animation and a lack of foresight.

Next up, the finished product!  Stay tooned!

© Smirk Studios 2019


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