

Here is one last look at some of the process that it takes to animate a cartoon of this magnitude. We see now that all our characters are more or less where they will be in the final, and with the exception of a few backgrounds and a couple specific sequence animations, this is what the complete episode will look like! There are many reasons why something like this may take so long, but besides producing graphics, animation involves a certain amount of programming knowledge.  If you can see in the video at 4:36, "Quiet Mother Fucker in a Hoodie's" left hand in the background is appearing to have a twitch, and it's because the programming of the symbol pack is being told to cycle through all the frames within the pack, as if it were it's own animation on loop.  This is sometimes the desired effect, but in this case, we just want his hand to stay still. The way this happens is when we build characters initially.  We don't always know how our character is goi...


Just checking in to show you the progress!  Full cartoon will be available soon!  Thanks for your patience! © Smirk Studios 2019


Here's what scene 1 looks like now that our characters talk, blink, and move: More to come!  The next scene is going to be very interesting because there are a lot of characters with speaking parts, so we will be looking at some really dynamic interactions between them as we kind of set the stage for The Boros Episode One! Stick around! © Smirk Studios 2019

Character Blinking and Scene Angles Finished

Characters are coming to life!  Bear with me, this project turned out to be a lot bigger than I had even realized!  This thing is going to look really good when we're all finished here.  Stay tuned for more, and enjoy this sample animation! Next step will be subtle motions of the limbs while our characters are talking to make it look as though they are really feeling what they're saying.  More to come! © Smirk Studios 2019

Lip Sync Sample Animation

Here's a sample of the completed lip sync for the first scene on the phone with the two main characters: This video only samples the lip sync animation and is not complete. The next step will be to move the characters around a bit and have them blink every once in a while! _____________ _____________ Need your project animated? Email me and we'll get you on the waiting list! Animation and Graphics produced at Smirk Studios for project "The Boros" using Adobe Animate. All rights reserved. More info as the project unfolds! Keep it posted here for more updates on the production of "The Boros." Art/Animation by Joshua H. Metz

Stage Set for Lip Sync, Project News

Hey team!  Sorry if it seems like I'm dragging, I recently enrolled in school to hone my skills and they are requiring a lot of last minute information that I hadn't anticipated, obviously completely unrelated to this project.  Everything is in order, though!  Rest assured, this will be done soon! Here's another screenshot to keep you busy, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share your words with me by commenting on the post that interests you the most! Need your project animated?  Email me  and we'll get you on the waiting list! Animation and Graphics produced at  Smirk Studios  for project "The Boros" using Adobe Animate. All rights reserved. More info as the project unfolds! Keep it posted here for more updates on the production of "The Boros." Art/Animation by  Joshua H. Metz

Initial Animation Begun

Hey, bloggers!  Just got done talking with the producers and we're all on the same page, so we're now ready to begin animation! The first step is setting our stages with the proper audio, building the symbol packs for the mouth of each character with speaking parts, and then we're ready to begin lip sync production! This is the most engaging and important aspect of most cartoons, as it is often what people look at subconsciously when watching your character speak dialog that will ultimately drive your film.  Lip sync takes delicate work and a careful ear, matching each mouth sound with the distinctive mouth shape that is associated with it. Check back often, lots of updates coming now that animation has begun! Need your project animated?  Email me  and we'll get you on the waiting list! Animation and Graphics produced at  Smirk Studios  for project "The Boros" using Adobe Animate. All rights reserved. More info as the project unfolds!...